Can you fully sound proof room?

Soundproofing a room, a house or a flat is a great idea for anybody who struggles with unpleasant or bothering noises coming from the outside or other rooms. We offer our help to find a good solution which will be adapted individually to the problem you are dealing with. Wether it is people talking, TV, barking or loud voices from outside, we are able to use proper materials and techniques to efficiently sound proof your room. Our specialists offer services mostly in London, where our firm is located.

How does soundproofing works?

  • Adding mass - If you add more mass to eg. walls or other structures, it makes it less easy for the noise to go through it. This technique can be used in a single room or to soundproof a whole house.

  • Dampening - When you want to prevent the sounds from travelling through walls, a floor or a ceiling, you need to dampen it. It helps the vibration not to come through the structure and make your room soundproof.

  • Sound absorption - Soft materials like carpets, cushions, curtains and many others are known for helping to absorb sounds. You can also use some furnishing as fabric sofa, chairs etc. to make your house more soundproof. If it is not enough, we offer more specialized solutions for ceiling and walls. They will give more efficient effects than the solutions mentioned before.

Soundproofing myths

  1. Using eggboxes to sound proof room - This is very commonly used technique which is not as efficient as most of the people think. Eggboxes are very light and to soundproof a room or a flat, you need to use more heavy materials which can help to reduce the echo or prevent vibrations from coming through walls.

  2. Soundproofing house with paint - As it was said before - to soundproof a room, you need to put a heavy mass on a structure to prevent the nosies from passing through it. 1-2mm layers of a paint will do very little in terms of absorbing sounds and blocking them, since they are not heavy at all.

  3. Soundproofing walls with wallpaper - When it comes to wallpaper, it is the same problem as with the paint layers. Wallpaper is usually very light so it do not significantly help with soundproofing. It means that you might need to use more specialized solutions.

  4. Sand as an alternative to soundproofing - Sand is actually a good solution for soundproofing because it is heavy and small grains help with filling all the gaps. Nonetheless, it is very messy technique and nowadays there are way more convenient options to use.